7 Simple Rules For Staying In Good Favor With Me
(In other words...how to not piss me off & get your candy ass banned!)
Well...first and foremost, the absolute best thing you can do to start off our relationship is to JOIN my PERSONAL site
Click Here To Become My Personal Slave & ATM Machine
- Rule #1: Don't demand anything from me! That's right fuckers, don't ask me to wear any special fucking dress or stupid goddamn heels! I'm not here for your entertainment...I'm here to take your money, plain and simple. If I so happen to stumble upon a fetish that you're into in the process, well then that's just wonderful isn't it? I don't want to be your girlfriend, I don't want to be your buddy, I don't really care if I'm your fantasy or not. I do my own thing and I dance to my own music. The fastest way to find yourself banned from my site for-fucking-ever is to start emailing me, asking me to wear some crap your mommy used to wear that gets your dick hard or some weird shit. I don't fucking play either. You fuck up once and you're gone for good. No exceptions ever.
- Rule #2: I update my site when I feel like updating my site. You maggots don't know what's going on in my life. You have no idea if i'm sick, been up all night partying or if I'm lying in bed with some huge dicked stud I met at the club last night. My world does not revolve around keeping you happy. So, don't email me bullshit like, "Cruel Chloe, could you please add a new photo set today..." Awww, HELL NAW! I can promise you this though, when I do update my site, all you scum bums will love it. I guarantee you won't waste any time at all pulling out your little pud and whacking it like mad at the sexy photos and videos I put up.
- Rule #3: Be nice or be gone. Don't send me emails or messages complaining about anything...ever. If you don't like what I do or what I say, there is an easy solution sweety. GO THE FUCK AWAY! I've got enough guys sending me money from all over the planet that if you don't stay, it's really no loss for me. "Oh heavens, whatever will I do if Joe Blow leaves my site? Oh wait...who the fuck is Joe Blow?"
- Rule #4: Don't ever fucking ask about my personal life. Number one, it's none of your fucking business. Number two, please see number one.
- Rule #5: No, we cannot meet IRL. I don't want to be your girlfriend, I don't want to have expensive dinners with you, I do NOT want to have any contact with you most likely. Trust me when I say that the only kind of relationship you and I will likely ever have is a financial one. I'm here to flash my tits now and then, play with my pussy a little and to take your money. That's it guys. Nothing more, nothing less. It gets so old guys, really. How pathetic are you that not only are you submitting to my every financial want, but you're sending me messages, begging me to be your sweet, loving girlfriend? Get a fucking life.
- Rule #6: No weirdos of any kind! No religious freaks who want me to find god, no fucktards who mommy never hugged...or daddy hugged a little "too much". Leave your baggage at the door when you come to my site. Don't send me half drunken emails, crying about how twisted your feeble little mind feels, or about how many goats you fucked when you lived on Uncle Tommy's ranch, or about how inferior you feel because of your tiny little shrub of a cock, or how women have turned you into a sad, penniless excuse for a male. Not my problem and I don't want to hear about it. If you need councelling, you're in the wrong place. May I suggest Dr.Phil?
- Rule #7: Stalkers and sociopaths...where do we start? Well, I can tell you straight up where I start...the fucking police department lol. Stalk me or send me emails that I feel are threatening in any way what-so-ever and I'll have a restraining order slapped on you faster than your pre-mature ejaculations leak down onto your tiny balls. Break that restraining order once and I have a few, rather large, baseball bat weilding friends who'd LOVE an excuse to pay you a visit. I don't fuck around when it comes to this shit. You fuck with me and I'll be the very last bitch you ever fucked with. If you've got fantasies about becoming a eunuch, oh then by all means, harass me. I'll make it happen.